Lord Tao Wessuwan resides in the Celestial Realm of the 4 Demons, known as Jatu Maha Rachiga, where it is being ruled the 4 Lords of Demon (Yaks). Lord Tao Wessuwan is on the North, Lord Wirulapak on the South, Lord Wirunlahok on the West and Lord Tataratha on the East. Lord Tao Wessuwan is the leader of the 4 lords and also the protector of the Dharma.
Lord Tao Wessuwan own a magical staff (Grabong) and is 1 of the 4 supernatural weapons around. The Garbong has great power and if flung through the air, it can break the head of many thosuands of ghosts/evil spirits in a single blow. Lord Tao Wessuwan is merciful and thus would only use the Grabong to teach these ghosts, evil spirits or even the yaks to behave better most of the time.
There were incidents where the Yaks disturb the spiritual practises of the Hermits (Lersi/Reusi) and the Bhikkus (Monks), Lord Tao Wessuwan created a special mantra (Katha) to control them. Lord Tao Wessuwan went to Mount Kirchakut to pay respect to the Great One, Lord Buddha Siddhattha, together with his Yak entourage, and offered the special mantra to the Sangha for the Sangha to repel these misbehaving Yaks that disturbed their meditative practise.
Thai for these varies reasons revered the Lord Tao Wessuwan to keep the evil and bad spirits away from their house, some may even place Pha Yant of Lord Tao Wessuwan above the door of their hourses to keep thieves and ghosts from bothering. At the same time, Suwan actually means gold, a lot of Thai Businessmen also rever the Lord Tao Wessuwan in their office to increase their business revenues and wealth.